SORGHUM, ALMUM (50 pounds)
Special Order Call 800-888-1371
Warm season annual bunchgrass. Grows 3 – 8 feet tall with stems growing from extensively creeping rhizomes. The blades are flat, blue-green and often splotched with purple caused by a bacterial disease.

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SORGHUM, ALMUM (50 pounds)
Special Order Call 800-888-1371
Warm season annual bunchgrass. Grows 3 – 8 feet tall with stems growing from extensively creeping rhizomes. The blades are flat, blue-green and often splotched with purple caused by a bacterial disease. The panicles are large, open with branchlets mostly in whorls of four. Grows in fields and waste places. Under certain growth conditions produces prussic acid which is poisonous to livestock. Very similar to Johnsongrass. Though Sorghum Almum is a true annual, this plant tends to come back from year to year from seed, thus it is considered a re-seeding annual. Adaptation: Widely adapted, grows best on heavier soils but performs moderately well on fine sandy loams. Responds well to fertility. Uses: Excellent for wildlife, good grazing for livestock. Used for hay, grazing and erosion control. Provides good cover and the seed is an excellent food source for dove and quail.

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Weight 50 lbs