RYE, ELBON (50 pounds)
Annual bunchgrass 2 to 4 feet tall.
Rye is more tolerant of soil acidity than wheat.
Rye has an extensive root system making it one of the best for cover cropping.
RYE, ELBON (50 pounds)
Annual bunchgrass 2 to 4 feet tall.
Rye is more tolerant of soil acidity than wheat.
Rye has an extensive root system making it one of the best for cover cropping.
Elbon has excellent Winter forage production and early maturity.
Planting Guidelines:
Seeding rate: 70 – 100 lbs per acre
Seed depth: .25 – .5 inch
Planting time: Fall
Soil pH range: 5.5 – 6.5
Weight | 54 lbs |